The assembly points are used according to the level and risk of emergency on campi, that is, they are used in case there is a need to partially or completely evacuate Gualtar and Azurém campi.
Gualtar campus has 6 assembly points
Assembly point 1 – Parking lot 11
Evacuation of buildings 13-14-15-16-17
Assembly point 2 – Parking lot 12
Evacuation of building 19
Assembly point 3 – Parking lot 6
Evacuation of building 10
Assembly point 4 – Avenue
Evacuation of buildings 3-7-8
PAssembly point 5 – Parking lot 4
Evacuation of buildings 1-2-4
Assembly points 6 – Parking lot 5
Evacuation of buildings 5 e 6
Azurém campus has 2 assembly points:
Assembly point 1 – Parking lot 1
Evacuations of buildings 1-2-3-5-6-8
Assembly point 2 – Parking lot 7
Evacuation of buildings 9-11-12