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Urban solid waste


The paper must be completely separated from other waste and put in containers specifically identified for recycling. These containers are usually blue. The collection of this waste is made by the cleaning staff. The paper collected must not be mixed with other waste in order ensure it flows the pre-established circuit. 

After the internal collection of this waste, and according to the circuit defined for the purpose, the municipality company responsible will take the waste for final disposal.

Plastic and metal 

After completely emptying the packages, these must be put in properly identified containers. These containers are usually yellow. After the internal collection of this waste, and according to the circuit defined for the purpose, the municipality company responsible will take the waste for final disposal. 

Glass ​

This waste must be separated from the other waste and packed in proper containers at the place where it was produced. These containers are usually green. 

After the internal collection of this waste, and according to the circuit defined for the purpose, the municipality company responsible will take the waste for final disposal. 

Undifferentiated waste 

All the waste that cannot be reused or recycled, such as boxes with grease, organic waste and ceramic, must be put in black bags and put in generic waste containers. 

After the internal collection of this waste, and according to the circuit defined for the purpose, the municipality company responsible will take the waste for final disposal. 

Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) 

The process of separating the electrical and electronic equipment must be handled according to UMinho’s administrative procedure for material decommissioning. Light bulbs are included in this waste flow and must be handled with extra caution given their toxic composition. 

After the administrative procedure of decommission, the waste is put in a proper waste container (Ponto Eletrão) or sent to the properly licensed company responsible for the management of WEEE – in this case, it is Amb3E. Light bulbs can be put in proper containers – Pontos Eletrão (in these containers there is a specific compartment to store light bulbs). 


Batteries and accumulators are extremely hazardous to the environment. Therefore, they must be separated from the rest of the waste in order to be put in a battery container (pilhão) later on or, if there is a great amount of waste, the company responsible for its management – Ecopilhas – must be contacted so it can proceed to its collection. 

Ink cartridge and Toners 

Ink cartridges and toners are considered hazardous waste and, therefore, must not be put in common waste containers. In case there are electrical and electronic components (for example, when the print head is in the printer), these are considered WEEE (see “Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)”). 

This waste must be collected by the product’s supplier when replacing the ink cartridges and toners at UMinho’s facilities. As an alternative, the waste can be temporarily stored and, afterwards, the accredited company responsible for the collection of the waste can be contacted so it can proceed to its collection.